Monday, December 21, 2009


Two Thousand and Nine has come and gone
and what a year it has been;
Much has happened in our little family…
now where should we begin?

The year began slowly; we suffered a great loss,
Kory’s father, Zed, passed away.
The very next month, we welcomed a daughter,
a beautiful girl, Preslie Deziree.

What a joy she has been and a blessing in our lives;
we can’t imagine our family without her.
She has been crawling for months and is now trying to walk;
she has to keep up with her brother.

Mr. Parker turned three in September this year,
and of all sports and superheroes he is fond.
If you are around him at all you’ll hear,
“To infinity and beyond!”

Summer was fun and full of family adventures;
we finally bought a trailer of our own.
East Canyon, Lava, St. Anthony, The Uintahs…,
“Dad, aren’t you ready for a weekend at home?”

The fall came and went with much work to be done;
Kory tirelessly worked on our yard.
Digging for sprinklers, curbing and planting seed—
yes, green grass can be seen from afar.

There is always a project; something needs to be fixed;
most nights you will find Kory at the shop.
He does seem to find time to fit in a few rounds of golf,
but he never seems to stop.

Kristie stays busy working, taking care of the kids,
and trying to keep her poise.
Fridays off are a blessing with one more day to be had,
with the two kids she calls her joys.

Our family looks forward to the New Year,
and we wish you the very best.
May love, good health, and happiness be yours,
and may you all be blessed.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dancing Girl

Preslie is almost 9 months old. I can't believe it! She has been crawling since she was 6 months old and is trying so hard to walk. Anyway, she is a constant mover and a shaker. She doesn't sit still for long but I did manage to get her to sit and dance for a minute. She must get her dance moves from her dad!!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Summer Fun

I realize I am super late in posting our summer adventures...but better late than never! Here are a few photos of our summer fun--in no particular order. We had lots of fun using our trailer this summer. Our first trip was to the Uintahs in late June and oh my, what an adventure that was! The heater went out and it rained all weekend. Not a very fun 'first' trip out, but it will be a good story to tell our kids. We went to the sandunes and Bear World, Lava, the Uintahs again and East Canyon. I also took a girls trip to St. George with Preslie. What a fun and HOT weekend that was. I know there are lots of photos but we had lots of fun! Enjoy!

Parting shot. So sad to see the summer end!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mama Needs Some New Shoes!

Hey y'all!

Check out this blog for fabulous shoes and giveaways! If you love shoes as much as I do, you must become a follower! I know I could use some free shoes as Kory is tired of me spending our grocery money on new shoes. Hmmm, milk and bread or shoes? That's a hard one. LOL!

Check, check, check, check it out!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Preslie is 6 Months Old Today!

Pressers, as we often times call her, or Lady Luck as Kristy calls her, is 6 months old today. I always say it, but time goes too fast.

To pay homage to her on this day, her half birthday, here is a plethora of pictures of our precious Preslie (wow, that is a lot of P’s!), over the last couple months. You will notice that she is a drooly girl. She is getting two teeth on the bottom, and the one is quite sharp and mostly all the way through. So, the drool is a common thing at our house!

I love this picture of her. It definitely pays to have a talented SIL watch my kids everyday!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Parker's 3rd Birthday

Parker turned 3 last week. THREE, I know, I can't believe it either!

His birthday began with me waking him up by singing, Happy Birthday to you! He woke up and asked me, "Is it my birthday today, like right now?" I said, "Yes, your birthday is right now!" He then responded to me with a puzzled look, "Well, who started my birthday?" I had to stop a moment and think about this. In his mind, he is wondering why on earth his birthday is going on while he has been asleep. Who on earth started this special day without him knowing? I think it was a relevant question. So, much like a Ringmaster in a circus, or the Grand Marshal at a NASCAR race, I will officially start my kids' birthday's with, "Get Ready, Get Set, And Start Your BIRTHDAY!"Parker has always loved waffles and strawberries, so he started the day with breakfast and then on to a small party at daycare.Parker told me he wanted a Batman party, with Batman party hats and a Spiderman cake. Well, we went with a Batman theme and the best I could do were masks. Most everyone were good sports and wore the masks.
Boston didn't actually seem too thrilled to wear the mask, but he was a team player!

He even got Buzz Lightyear pajamas. Of course he immediately had to put them on and try out the wings. "TO INFINITY AND DE-ON!" (Yes, like Celine Dion, I love it when he says this. It really never gets old and I hear it about 20 times a day!)What a fun day full of food, family and a whole lof of fun. I just love this little boy. He definitely keeps us laughing!