Another of my close friends is in the pirate show at Treasure Island. So, she got us up close and personal to the pirates. Parker loved this.
Parker was Peter Parker (Spiderman), most of the trip. He would show everyone his 'Spideyness' and then web them. Everyone at the first hotel we stayed at, would throw webs at him and play back... He is at such a fun age! In one of the pictures, you can see the pirates shooting their webs with him. At first I think he was a little frightened of the pirates...I mean really, look at their manliness! But, they were all so nice, he put on a little Spiderman show for them. It was hilarious!
Tiffany is on my right in the photo. Isn't she gorgeous? It was so awesome that she got them all to come out and take a photo. We were VIP!! Preslie wasn't really sure about the tattoed guy...she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

More web shooting!
Then it was off to the wedding. Surprisingly, the kids sat through the ceremony...YAY!

One of the first nights we were in Vegas, we decided to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. We have taken Parker to eat there before, but thought he might enjoy it more now that he is older.

Well...we were wrong--we were close to the gorillas and Parker was not a fan! He buried his head in my lap and would not sit up. How disapointing! I tried to explain to him that they were not real, but then he asked, "Why are they talking then?!" I think it was our most expensive meal, and Parker spent most of it with his eyes closed! Not a good time. I think this is when Kory had his meltdown...LOL!
This is how most of our family photos went. I thought I would post one for nostalgias sake.
And finally, this is how we traveled around good ol' Las Vegas. It worked quite well. I now know that we can take a road trip with my family, and we all will survive! Yay! We had so much fun! Where shall we go next? I think it's safe to say that it won't be Sin City! HA!