Well, I got lucky on Halloween...my little fiesty 2 year old did let me draw some stitches on his face and he actually wore his costume. We visited my mom's work and my work during the day on Halloween and I told him he had to wear the hood in order to get candy. So, as we made the trip around my mom's office, Parker would throw on the hat to get the candy and then as he would walk away, he would rip it back off. He had it all figured out. We had a fun Halloween though. He is going through a very shy stage, so he wasn't to keen on ringing strangers doorbells and talking to them. But, he did walk up to the door. Here are a few photos of our little Frankie.
Yes, it's true. Parker is going to have a little sister. We found out a few weeks ago that the baby we are expecting is a girl. We told Parker that he was going to have a baby sister and he said, "No I not." He does acknowledge that there is a baby in my belly, but he also thinks daddy has a baby in his and that he has one of his own. He thinks that the belly button is the baby. I think once I start showing more, that he will start to understand.
Here is a little profile picture of the baby:
I started heparin injections a few weeks ago as well. The specialist we saw told me that he felt it was a good idea to be on the heparin to prevent blood clots. When I was pregnant with Parker, I took baby aspirin daily as a blood thinner but this time they recommended the heparin. So, twice a day I stick a needle into my stomach or into my thigh. I have actually gotten used to the needles but it really isn't the most fun, I won't lie. This has definitely given me a greater respect for those with diabetes who much inject themselves daily. I continue to feel well and am thankful that the baby looks healthy and that things are going smoothly. Only twenty more weeks of injections to go!