Kory's sister, Chelsi, was married last weekend and what a weekend it was! It was a busy few days... but we had so much fun and the wedding was absolutely beautiful. We are so excited to 'officially' welcome Clint into our family. The festivities began with the rehearsal dinner, which was a dutch oven dinner in honor of Kory's dad, Zed. The kids loved the food.
The next day was the wedding...I was so worried about Parker and Preslie being in the ceremony but my little buddy did such a good job. He and Boston carried their ring pillows like pro's. Preslie was hilarious throwing the flowers but as soon as they were gone, and she realized there were 100 people staring at her, she was not having it. All in all, they were good kids. And, they looked so darn arorable!
I couldn't get any of them both looking...so these are as good as they get.
I love this next picture. To me, this is what a brother is all about. I would imagine Parker saying, "C'mon Sis, let's get outta here. These kids are up to no good!"
The bride with her nephews and niece. The wouldn't really cooperate...really, we are lucky they even all sat there.

Preslie spent most of the reception playing at the screen door with her Great Aunt Charlene. She is getting to be so much fun and has such a cute personality. She is a total girl...she loved having the dress on and definitely loves any type of 'pretty' accessory in her hair. I just love her so much.
And, to end this photo montage, a precious picture of my two kids hugging. Preslie loves her brother so much and tries several time a day to get a hug from him or even a kiss... it's just not very often that he will return the gesture. So, for me, this photo is priceless!